190+ BEST ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel (2023)

Suffering from writer’s block draft after draft?

Struggling to craft complex plots or multifaceted characters?

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel
ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel

Transform your novel writing with targeted ChatGPT prompts.

This comprehensive guide reveals the best prompts to elevate your storytelling skills.

Can I Use ChatGPT to Write a Novel?

Many aspiring novelists wonder if tools like ChatGPT can help them write an entire book.

The short answer is no – ChatGPT cannot write a full-length, coherent novel for you.

However, it can be an invaluable aid in certain aspects of the novel writing process.

Approaching ChatGPT as a supportive writing aid rather than an AI author can enhance your novel writing skills.

With strategic prompts, ChatGPT provides an endless source of sparks for your imagination.

Crafting perfect ChatGPT Prompt
Crafting perfect ChatGPT Prompt

It also helps point out weaknesses in plot, setting, characters, descriptions, and more so you can strengthen your writing.

The key is knowing which types of ChatGPT prompts work best for the various stages and elements of novel writing.

We’ll break down the most effective prompt formulas in this guide.

Getting Started With ChatGPT for Novel Writing

Before diving into specific prompt templates, here are some tips for getting the most out of ChatGPT as a novel writing tool:

  • Provide plenty of context in your prompts so ChatGPT understands the genre, plot, characters, etc.
  • Ask for sample text rather than full drafts. Use these samples as inspiration, not the final copy.
  • Specify the tone, style, perspective, etc. you want to match your novel.
  • Iteratively refine prompts if ChatGPT’s initial responses are off-base or poorly written.
  • Review ChatGPT’s responses critically instead of accepting them outright. Identify weaknesses to address yourself.
  • Use ChatGPT’s ideas to expand your creative thinking instead of relying solely on its output.

With the right approach, ChatGPT prompts can enhance your novel without doing the hard work for you.

Let’s look at some of the most useful prompts.

100 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel

ChatGPT Prompts for Your Engaging Premise

The premise is the foundational idea that your entire novel revolves around.

A compelling premise piques the reader’s interest and sets the stage for the conflicts to come.

ChatGPT Prompt for Engaging Premise
ChatGPT Prompt for Engaging Premise

Here are some ChatGPT prompts to help develop a strong premise:

  1. I’m writing a [genre] novel about [basic premise]. Please generate 10 alternate versions of this premise that have creative hooks to draw readers in.
  2. I need help strengthening the premise for my [genre] novel. The current premise is [1-2 sentence summary]. Please provide 10 ways I could add more intrigue, conflict, or stakes without changing the core idea.
  3. Please provide 10 hypothetical premise ideas for a [genre] novel that contain creative conflicts, an emotional hook, and a compelling protagonist.
  4. Please give 10 examples of an engaging first line that immediately establishes the premise in a [genre] novel.
  5. I’m writing a [genre] novel but struggling with the premise. Can you suggest 10 premises revolving around [core subject, conflict, etc.] that contain drama, high stakes, and emotional resonance?
  6. Please provide 10 examples of a strong “elevator pitch” premise for a [genre] novel in 1-2 sentences. These premises should instantly hook readers.
  7. For my [genre] novel, I need help strengthening the premise “[current premise]”. Please provide 10 alternate versions focused on increasing the intrigue, conflict, stakes, or shock value.
  8. I’m planning a [genre] novel but need inspiration for premises. Could you suggest 10 premises focused around [core idea] that contain creative conflicts?
  9. Can you provide 10 hypothetical first lines that instantly establish an intriguing premise for a [genre] novel?
  10. Please give 10 examples of a compelling [genre] premise structure: One sentence summarizing the core conflict, then a second sentence revealing a twist.

ChatGPT Prompts for Plot

A strong plot propels your story forward through escalating conflict, high stakes, and impactful events.

Use these ChatGPT prompts for plot brainstorming:

  1. I’m writing a [genre] novel with a premise about [premise]. Can you suggest 10 potential plots that create rising tension and stakes?
  2. Please provide 10 plot outlines for a [genre] novel, approximately 5-10 sentences each. Make sure to include plot twists and climax points.
  3. I need help improving the plot for my [genre] novel. Can you critique the current plot and suggest 10 ways to increase conflict and engagement without changing the core premise?
  4. Please give 10 examples of an effective plot structure for a [genre] novel, including exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
  5. For my [genre] novel with a [basic premise], can you suggest 10 creative antagonists and the schemes they could hatch to drive the plot?
  6. I’m struggling with the plot for my [genre] novel. Can you suggest 10 event ideas, complete with details, that could upend the protagonist’s life and drive conflict?
  7. Can you provide 10 examples of an effective plot twist for a [genre] novel that will surprise readers without seeming implausible?
  8. I need inspiration for complicating the plot of my [genre] novel. Please provide 10 hypothetical sources of conflict that the protagonist could encounter.
  9. Please suggest 10 creative plot twists or unexpected events that could ratchet up the tension in a [genre] novel.
  10. I need help strengthening the plot for my [genre] novel. Can you critique the current plot and give 10 suggestions to add more intrigue, conflict, or momentum?

ChatGPT Prompts for Developing Characters

Well-developed characters that readers care about are crucial for any fiction novel.

ChatGPT Prompt for Developing Characters
ChatGPT Prompt for Developing Characters

Use these prompts to expand your characterization:

  1. Please provide character profiles for 10 unique protagonists for a [genre] novel including physical description, background, personality traits, and flaws.
  2. I’m writing a [genre] novel but need help developing the protagonist [name]. Can you suggest 10 ways to make them more three-dimensional and complex?
  3. For the protagonist in my [genre] novel, please provide 10 hypothetical life experiences they could have had to give them more depth and backstory.
  4. I’m struggling to flesh out the side characters in my [genre] novel. Can you suggest 10 types of characters, with descriptions, who could serve specific roles in the plot?
  5. Please provide 10 ways I could make the antagonist in my [genre] novel more compelling through added personality traits, quirks, motivations, or backstory.
  6. I need inspiration for my [genre] protagonist’s character arc. Can you suggest 10 creative ways the events of the novel could change them as a person?
  7. Can you provide 10 unique character flaws, fears, or internal conflicts my [genre] protagonist could possess to make them more complex?
  8. I want to help develop my protagonist’s friends and family for my [genre] novel. Please suggest 10 character profiles including personality traits, backgrounds, and their relationship with the protagonist.
  9. Please provide 10 examples of impactful dialogue exchanges between my [genre] protagonist [name] and antagonist [name] that reveal their personalities and motivations.
  10. For my [genre] novel, please suggest 10 hypothetical traumatic experiences from my protagonist’s past that still influence them and explain their motivations.

ChatGPT Prompts for Dialogue

Believable, well-written dialogue helps bring your characters to life.

Use these prompts to improve your dialogue writing:

  1. Please write a 2-3 sentence example of witty, humorous dialogue between the main characters in a [genre] novel.
  2. Please provide 5 exchanges of playful, fun banter between the romantic leads in a [genre] story to showcase their chemistry.
  3. Please give me 10 examples of dialogue that convey rising conflict between a [genre] story’s protagonist and antagonist. Show their personalities clash.
  4. Please provide 10 examples of emotional, heartfelt dialogue exchanges between the two main characters in a [genre] novel during a romantic moment.
  5. I’m struggling to write natural-sounding dialogue for the teen characters in my [genre] novel. Can you provide 10 authentic conversational exchanges?
  6. Please provide 5 examples of tense dialogue between a character and their parent that help reveal family dynamics in my [genre] story.
  7. I need help improving the dialogue in my [genre] novel. Can you critique these 5 exchanges and suggest how to make them sound more natural?
  8. For my [genre] story, please give 10 examples of dialogue that convey two friends sharing jokes and laughing together. The tone should be light and humorous.
  9. Please provide 10 examples of suspenseful dialogue exchanges that build tension through subtext instead of saying things directly.
  10. I need examples of witty, clever dialogue between the main characters in my [genre] novel. Can you provide 10 exchanges full of vibrancy, humor, and chemistry?

ChatGPT Prompts for Setting

Vivid settings immerse your readers in the world of your novel.

ChatGPT Prompt for Setting
ChatGPT Prompt for Setting

Use these prompts to brainstorm how to leverage the setting:

  1. Please provide 10 highly descriptive passages about the bustling hub of a fantasy kingdom to use as inspiration when describing the setting in my novel.
  2. I need help expanding the descriptions of my [genre] novel’s settings. Can you critique this draft passage and suggest 10 more details I could add about sights, sounds, smells, etc?
  3. For my [genre] novel, please provide 10 examples of powerful metaphors or similes I could use to bring my settings to life through descriptive language.
  4. Please give me 10 examples of immersive descriptive passages evoking the atmosphere of a creepy, horror location.
  5. Please provide 10 sensory details I could use when describing crowded city street scenes in a mystery novel to make the reader feel like they’re there.
  6. I’m looking for ways to make the house in my [genre] novel seem more alive and sinister. Can you suggest 10 creepy descriptive elements I could add?
  7. Please give 10 examples of visual descriptions that make the fantastical settings in a fantasy or sci-fi novel feel magical and awe-inspiring.
  8. For my [genre] novel, please suggest 5 potential dangers or surprising elements my characters could encounter to create tension when exploring the settings.
  9. I need inspiration for describing the abandoned locations in my post-apocalyptic novel. Please provide 10 examples of vivid sensory descriptions of decay and emptiness.
  10. Please offer 10 descriptive details, phrases, or figurative language I could add to make the ordinary settings in my literary fiction more vivid and impactful.

ChatGPT Prompts for Improving Description

The vivid, immersive description is critical in all fiction writing.

Take advantage of ChatGPT to strengthen your descriptive skills:

  1. Please provide 10 examples of powerfully descriptive passages describing a character from different [genre] novels. Focus on physical details, personality traits, and emotions.
  2. I need to help improve my descriptive writing in this [genre] novel. Could you critique this draft passage and suggest 10 more visceral details I could add?
  3. For the setting in my [genre] novel, can you suggest 10 smells, sounds, textures, and visual elements that would make it feel more real to the reader?
  4. Please provide 10 vivid metaphors, similes, or analogies I could use to describe the protagonist in my story in a unique way.
  5. Can you give 10 examples of impactful descriptive lines I could use to convey a character’s emotions without explicitly naming the emotion?
  6. I struggle with description. For this [genre] story, can you provide 10 examples of immersive descriptive passages about the sights, sounds, smells, etc. of a summer carnival?
  7. Please provide 10 visceral descriptive details I could add to this action scene in my [genre] novel to make it feel more intense and gripping.
  8. For the protagonist in my story, please suggest 10 distinctive descriptors focused on details like their voice, mannerisms, style of dress, quirks, etc.
  9. Please give 10 examples of concise yet evocative descriptive lines that use striking imagery, metaphor, or symbolism to convey emotion.
  10. I need help strengthening the description in my writing. Could you provide 10 examples of highly vivid, imaginative descriptive passages from different novels?

ChatGPT Prompts for Key Events

Impactful events that change your protagonist’s life are crucial to any novel.

ChatGPT Prompt for Key Events
ChatGPT Prompt for Key Events

Use ChatGPT to generate ideas:

  1. I’m planning key events for my [genre] novel. Can you suggest 5 hypothetical scenarios involving dangerous conflict, high stakes, and difficult choices for the protagonist?
  2. I need inspiration for impactful events to include in my [genre] novel. Can you suggest 10 creative and unexpected incidents involving the protagonist that force them to react?
  3. Please provide 10 examples of a Wham Line – a pivotal moment that ends a chapter on a shocking cliffhanger revelation – appropriate for a [genre] novel.
  4. For my [genre] novel, please suggest 10 scenarios where the antagonist could directly enact their scheme in a public way, forcing the protagonist to make a difficult choice under pressure.
  5. I’m struggling to plot events for the climax of my [genre] novel. Can you suggest 5 scenarios for a dramatic final confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist?
  6. Please suggest 5 hypothetical external threats the protagonist must face at the climax of a [genre] story that tap into their greatest internal fears and flaws.
  7. For my [genre] story, please give 10 examples of a symbolic object or artifact with significance that the protagonist could discover, holding meaning about their growth.
  8. I need ideas for a mysterious or sinister event from the protagonist’s past that comes back to haunt them in my [genre] novel. Please provide 10 creative examples.
  9. Please suggest 5 hypothetical scenarios for the “darkest moment” in a [genre] story where the protagonist’s situation seems hopeless, testing their resolve.
  10. For my [genre] novel, please provide 10 examples of a revelatory secret or truth learned by the protagonist that fundamentally alters their worldview or relationships.

ChatGPT Prompts for Showing and Not Telling Characterization

Show, don’t tell when revealing your characters’ personalities.

Use these prompts:

  1. Please provide 5 examples of dialogue exchanges that indirectly showcase the protagonist’s kind, friendly nature through their speech patterns and word choices.
  2. Please give 10 examples of subtle character actions and nonverbal cues that reveal the antagonist slowly growing angry and impatient during a tense conversation.
  3. I need help making characterization less obvious in my writing. Could you critique this draft passage and suggest 5 ways to turn this telling characterization into showing?
  4. For the confrontational scene between my protagonist and her mother in my novel, please provide 10 examples of pointed, passive-aggressive dialogue that indirectly conveys longstanding family tensions.
  5. Please provide 5 passages showing the organized nature of my detective protagonist through environmental clues and habits vs explicitly stating “she was very organized.”
  6. Please give me 10 examples of “showing” interactions between my two romantic leads that demonstrate their compatibility and growing attraction through behaviors, energy, and unspoken cues.
  7. I’m struggling to convey my character’s anxieties without overtly stating them. Could you provide 10 examples of nervous habits, behaviors, or tics that would showcase this indirectly?
  8. For my shy protagonist, please provide 5 exchanges where his difficulty speaking up becomes apparent through stuttering, avoidance of eye contact, nervous fidgeting, etc. during conversations.
  9. Can you give me 10 environmental clues, habits, or behaviors that subtly convey to readers the intellectual brilliance of my detective protagonist?
  10. Please provide 10 examples of indirect characterization that showcase the protagonist’s optimism and resilience during trying circumstances through body language and energy.

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel Introduction

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Novel Introduction
ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Novel Introduction

Your opening hook matters – use these prompts to start strong:

  1. Please provide 10 examples of intriguing opening lines for a [genre] novel introduction that immediately set an engaging voice and foreshadow conflicts to come.
  2. For my [genre] novel, can you suggest 5 different techniques or narrative tools I could use to write an immersive opening chapter while establishing the premise?
  3. I’m struggling with my first chapter. Can you please critique my current draft introduction for areas to improve the narrative hook, voice, characterization, and establishment of conflict?
  4. Please give me 10 examples of opening chapters, approximately 250 words each, that effectively introduce the protagonist and central conflict in a [genre] story through action and narrative tension.
  5. For my [genre] novel, please provide 5 examples of opening lines and early chapters that use vivid sensory details to instantly establish a strong sense of setting.
  6. Can you suggest 10 creative ways to introduce my protagonist within the first chapter that reveal key personality traits and background without lengthy exposition?
  7. I need ideas for crafting a dark, suspenseful tone from the start for my [genre] novel. Please provide the first 250 words of 10 potential chilling, unsettling introductions.
  8. Please give 10 examples of opening lines for a [genre] novel that use figurative language like metaphor or symbolism to foreshadow central themes.
  9. For my [genre] story, please provide 5 different examples of in-media res openings that start during a dramatic moment to instantly hook readers.
  10. Please critique the first 250 words of my draft introduction and provide 5 suggestions to improve the narrative tension, voice, and immersion for the reader.

ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Novel Ending

Satisfying yet unexpected endings are key.

Use ChatGPT to brainstorm climactic conclusions:

  1. I’m struggling to end my [genre] novel in an emotionally satisfying way. Can you critique my current ending and suggest 5 ways to improve it with more resonance, character growth, and thematic meaning?
  2. For my [genre] story, please provide 10 examples of final lines that deliver a poignant conclusion or circular moment, reflecting on the protagonist’s journey.
  3. Please give 10 examples of surprising yet logical plot twists I could incorporate at the climax of my [genre] novel to resolve central conflicts unexpectedly.
  4. I want a bittersweet ending for my [genre] novel but need inspiration. Please suggest 10 ways the resolution could combine hopefulness and sacrifice or loss for maximum emotional impact.
  5. Please provide 5 examples of suspenseful climaxes for a [genre] thriller where the protagonist must use their wits, skills, and courage in a final confrontation with the antagonist.
  6. For my [genre] novel, please suggest 5 ending scenarios that leave some elements open-ended or ambiguous, inspiring readers to speculate after the final page.
  7. Can you give 10 examples of satisfying epilogue scenes showing how the protagonist has grown, changed, or found resolution after the main conflict ends?
  8. Please critique my current [genre] ending and provide 5 suggestions to improve the thematic significance and a sense of character growth and transformation for the protagonist.
  9. I’m trying to avoid cliché resolutions in my [genre] novel. Please provide 10 creative, fresh examples of climactic endings that subvert reader expectations.
  10. For an emotionally charged conclusion, please provide 10 examples of poignant closing lines or final paragraphs that leave a lingering impact on the reader.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Mystery Novel

Mystery stories require the perfect blend of intrigue, red herrings, and reveals.

Best ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Mystery Novel
Best ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Mystery Novel

Use ChatGPT to craft Mystery prompts:

  1. I’m planning a mystery novel where [basic premise]. Could you suggest 10 plot twists involving secret identities, puzzling murders, missing evidence, etc. that could keep readers guessing?
  2. For my mystery novel’s detective protagonist, please suggest 10 quirks or unusual skills they could use to piece together challenging cases in creative ways.
  3. Please provide 10 examples of seemingly inconsequential clues planted early in a mystery novel that later prove to hold important significance for solving the crime.
  4. I need inspiration for crafting complex mystery novel antagonists with unique MOs. Please suggest 10 forensic details, calling cards, or rituals different killers could exhibit.
  5. Please give 10 examples of shocking reveals or plot twists that could completely flip readers’ theories at the climax of a detective thriller.
  6. For my stumped detective protagonist, please suggest 10 creative deducing techniques like maps with strings, code cracking, hunting for symbols, etc. to decipher clues.
  7. Please provide 10 mysterious initial crime scene scenarios for a thriller – descriptions of the setting, victim injuries, objects left behind, etc.
  8. I’m looking for red herring ideas to complicate my mystery. Please suggest 10 potential other suspects, fake clues, or misleading eyewitnesses.
  9. Please give 10 examples of intense confrontation dialogue between my protagonist and the true killer after they are finally unmasked at the climax.
  10. For inspiration, please provide 10 sample opening lines to immediately hook readers and establish an intriguing victim crime scene in a thriller.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Romance Novel

Craft stories of love and emotional connection with these helpful romance prompts:

  1. I’m writing a romance novel – can you please suggest 10 meet-cute scenarios where the two memorably lead first cross paths?
  2. Please provide 10 examples of playful banter exchanges between romantic leads with witty humor and sexual tension that show their chemistry.
  3. For my romance novel antagonists trying to turn the leads against each other, please suggest 10 hypothetical schemes full of drama and tension.
  4. I’m trying to brainstorm obstacles and conflicts keeping my two leads apart. Please suggest 10 externally or internally driven ways they could struggle to come together.
  5. Please give me 10 examples of romantic grand gestures the male lead could plan for the female lead, showing his compassion and willingness to vulnerability.
  6. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of steamy, passionate first kiss scenes between romantic protagonists that capture the sensuality and excitement of the moment.
  7. I need ideas for a climactic romantic moment. Please suggest 10 scenarios where one lead finally confesses their true feelings in an emotional, swept-away way.
  8. Please provide 10 examples of romantic lines or literary quotes my protagonist could read, write, or receive to move them emotionally as their connection deepens.
  9. I’m trying to write a heartfelt romantic climax. Can you please suggest 10 examples of vulnerable, authentic speeches where the protagonist shares their innermost feelings?
  10. For inspiration, please provide 10 poignant closing lines that could end a romance novel in an emotionally resonant way.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Fantasy Novel

Best ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Fantasy Novel
Best ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Fantasy Novel

Bring magical worlds to life with fantasy-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a fantasy novel – could you please suggest 10 types of creative, imagined spells or magical abilities characters could possess?
  2. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of whimsical descriptions for fantastical, imagined settings like enchanted castles, mystical forests, or floating cities.
  3. I’m trying to develop unique fantasy races like elves, dwarves, fairies, etc. Can you suggest 10 distinguishing physical traits, cultures, and magical abilities for each?
  4. Please give 10 examples of legendary prophecies, foretellings, or mythic destinies a character in a fantasy book could be fated to fulfill.
  5. I need help developing a fantasy world. Please suggest 10 types of political systems, power dynamics between factions, histories of war, etc. that shape the backdrop.
  6. Please provide 10 examples of magical objects with unique traits like invisibility cloaks, teleporting rings, growing staffs, etc. that fantasy protagonists could obtain.
  7. For my fantasy villain, please suggest 10 examples of grand diabolical schemes they could enact using dark magic or mythical creatures.
  8. I’m looking for ideas for fantastical companions like dragons, griffins, unicorns, etc. Can you suggest 10 distinguishing personalities, abilities, and traits for 10 different magical beasts?
  9. Please give 10 examples of climactic battles between the forces of good and evil in a fantasy novel, using magic, mythical creatures, and enchanted weapons.
  10. For inspiration, please provide 10 names for fantastical, mystical lands, kingdoms, forests, and other locations in a fantasy universe.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Thriller Novel

Craft page-turning suspense and action with these thriller-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a thriller about [premise]. Could you please suggest 10 extremely high-stakes scenarios the protagonist could face involving dangerous foes, lethal stakes, impossible odds, etc.?
  2. For inspiration for my thriller novel, please provide 10 examples of opening scenes that instantly establish tension through hints of looming danger and uneasy feelings.
  3. Please give 10 examples of everyday skills or items the protagonist utilizes in innovative ways to defend themselves and escape perilous situations.
  4. I’m trying to develop thrilling action set pieces. Can you provide 10 examples of gripping fight, chase, or escape sequences full of danger and near misses?
  5. Please suggest 10 sources of conflict, like assassins, spies, serial killers, etc. that could continually threaten the protagonist’s life throughout a fast-paced thriller plot.
  6. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of razor-sharp narrative prose that maintains breathless pacing and immediacy perfect for thriller fiction.
  7. I’m developing thrilling twists – please suggest 10 highly startling reveals about the antagonist’s identity, plans, origins, or powers that flip the script.
  8. Please give 10 examples of tempting offers, propositions, or bargains an antagonist could propose to manipulate the protagonist or turn them against their morals.
  9. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of cutting, mocking dialogue an overconfident thriller villain could deliver when holding the clear upper hand.
  10. I’m trying to plot my thriller climax – please suggest 10 scenarios where the protagonist must overcome their fears, find inner strength, and persist against lethal adversaries.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a YA Novel

Best ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a YA Novel
ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a YA Novel

Write compelling coming-of-age stories with these YA-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a YA novel – could you suggest 10 common themes, anxieties, and insecurities faced by today’s teenagers that could emotionally resonate?
  2. Please provide 10 examples of impactful life events that could force my YA protagonist to mature quickly by questioning their beliefs, identities, or worldviews.
  3. For inspiration, please give 10 examples of rebellious acts, risky decisions, or demonstrations of independence my YA protagonist could pursue against parental or societal expectations.
  4. I’m trying to develop an authentic teen voice. Could you please critique this draft passage of YA dialogue and suggest 5 ways to improve the realism and conversational flow?
  5. Please suggest 10 ideas for special abilities, skills, or opportunities my YA protagonist pursues that make them feel unique and empowered even as an underdog.
  6. I’m writing a YA fantasy/sci-fi story. Please suggest 10 creative supernatural or futuristic elements for me to incorporate into a contemporary high school setting.
  7. Please give 10 examples of impactful coming-of-age moments that test my YA protagonist’s convictions, confidence, and courage on their journey to self-discovery.
  8. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of amusing text message conversations between my YA protagonist and their best friend full of humor, emojis, and teen vernacular.
  9. I need ideas for my YA protagonist’s embarrassing public failures, rejections, or humiliations they must overcome on their path to growth. Please provide 10 hypothetical scenarios.
  10. Please suggest 10 descriptive details about current teen fashions, slang, hobbies, and pop culture references to help establish an authentic modern YA voice and setting.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Horror Novel

Scare readers with these horror writing prompts:

  1. I’m writing a horror novel and need inspiration for 10 different terrifying monsters or unspeakable evils that could terrorize the protagonist. Please describe their appearances, powers, and horrific behaviors.
  2. Please suggest 10 creepy plot twists where trusted friends or loved ones are shockingly revealed to be sinister all along, forcing the protagonist to question reality.
  3. For inspiration, please provide 10 disturbing nightmare, hallucination, or vision sequences that hint at the dark threat growing stronger and foreshadowing the horror to come.
  4. I’m trying to build suspense – please give 10 examples of ominous warnings, cursed objects, strange symbols, or recurring odd events that create unease and a sense of lurking danger.
  5. Please suggest 10 horror settings like asylums, haunted houses, abandoned towns, etc. Then describe 10 creepy atmospheric elements for each like unsettling sounds, disturbing objects, etc.
  6. I need ideas for macabre elements of gore and violence that an unhinged serial killer could incorporate into their murders, rituals, letters to the protagonist, etc.
  7. For inspiration, please provide 10 creepy examples of sinister animal behavior that suggest supernatural, paranormal influence at work.
  8. Please give 10 examples of false safety moments where the horror threat seems vanquished, only to come violently roaring back for a final act of terror.
  9. I’m trying to create an ominous tone. Please provide 10 descriptive passages using dark metaphors, a heavy Gothic atmosphere, and lyrical prose to convey lurking danger.
  10. Please suggest 10 disturbing final images that could end a horror novel, leaving readers with an unsettling feeling that lingers after the final page.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Science Fiction Novel

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Science Fiction Novel
ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Science Fiction Novel

Explore humanity’s future with these sci-fi-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a sci-fi novel – could you suggest 10 creative futuristic technologies humans could invent for space travel, cybernetics, virtual reality, etc? Please describe how each works.
  2. Please suggest 10 hypothetical scenarios where AI, cloning, advanced medicine, or genetic engineering leads to ethical dilemmas, unforeseen consequences, or dangerous disruptions in society.
  3. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of futuristic slang, vernacular and figures of speech humans could use in everyday speech to reflect the evolution of language.
  4. I’m trying to envision daily lifestyles in the future. Can you describe 10 examples of how schools, jobs, relationships, cities, etc. could look different in coming decades or centuries?
  5. Please give 10 hypothetical future calendar dates paired with historically significant events, scientific breakthroughs, or cultural phenomena that reshape society.
  6. I’m writing a sci-fi dystopia – please suggest 10 tyrannical systems of government control that the antagonists could enforce through surveillance, coercion, violence, etc.
  7. For inspiration, can you please provide 10 examples of creative alien species including descriptions of their appearances, home planets, cultures, values, and any special abilities?
  8. Please suggest 10 future apocalyptic scenarios humans could face like nuclear wars, pandemics, climate catastrophes, technology run amok, etc.
  9. I’m trying to envision future fashion trends. Can you describe 10 creative examples of functionally futuristic clothing, hairstyles, body modifications, etc?
  10. For inspiration, please provide 10 names for futuristic, interstellar vessels including details on size, function, unique design elements, and crew makeup.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Literary Novel

Craft lyrical, moving fiction with these literary-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a literary novel examining [theme] – could you please suggest 10 examples of poetic metaphors, symbols, or visual motifs I could weave throughout the prose to convey this theme?
  2. Please give 10 examples of introspective passages rich with philosophical musing and deep character insights I could include in the inner monologues of my introspective protagonist.
  3. For inspiration, please provide 10 lyrical descriptive passages using vivid imagery, sensory details, and evocative language to bring the setting and atmosphere to life.
  4. I’m trying to develop nuanced characters struggling with [universal human experiences]. Please suggest 10 examples of realistic emotional arcs exploring trauma, disillusionment, and self-discovery.
  5. Please critique this draft excerpt of dialogue and provide 5 suggestions to improve the subtext, complexity of what’s unspoken, and unique characterization revealed through voice.
  6. I’m exploring [theme] – please give 10 examples of impactful closing lines or final reflective passages that tie together this theme in a poignant, lingering way.
  7. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of bittersweet, thoughtful endings for literary fiction full of emotional complexity and layers of metaphorical meaning.
  8. Please suggest 10 small objects, items, or sensory details I could use as symbols threaded through my literary novel to represent abstract concepts and ideas.
  9. I’m trying to emulate a lush writing style – can you please provide 10 excerpts from classics exemplifying evocative description, lyrical prose, and vivid imagery?
  10. Please critique this draft passage and provide 5 suggestions to strengthen the poetic language, emotional resonance, and opportunities for deeper metaphorical meaning.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Writing a Historical Novel

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Historical Novel
ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Historical Novel

Immerse readers in the past with these history-focused prompts:

  1. I’m writing a historical novel set during [period]. Please provide 10 examples of specific cultural details, societal norms, daily lifestyles, etc. I could use it to fully immerse readers in this era.
  2. For inspiration, please suggest 5 key historical events from [period] and how their impact could be shown affecting citizens’ lives in subtle ways when used as a story backdrop.
  3. I’m trying to avoid historical cliches. Please critique my draft excerpt and point out 5 cliched descriptive details or stereotypes I should omit when depicting this period accurately.
  4. Please give 10 examples of political dynamics, power structures, prejudices, and social hierarchies that would shape my protagonist’s experiences living in this era.
  5. I need inspiration describing period clothing, hairstyles, etiquette, and social customs appropriate for different classes in [era]. Please provide 10 examples.
  6. For inspiration, please provide 10 slang words, idioms, and casual phrases appropriate to [period] that I could incorporate into my characters’ dialogue to reflect the era’s vernacular.
  7. Please suggest 5 famous historical figures who could plausibly cross paths with my protagonist and have an impact on their journey given their role and influence during [period].
  8. I’m struggling with historical accuracy. Please critique this draft passage and point out 5 incorrect details I’ve included about [period] that contradict the true history.
  9. For inspiration, please provide 10 examples of descriptive passages using vivid sensory details to convey the sights, sounds, and smells of bustling city life in [era].
  10. I need a creative fictional premise rooted in this era. Please suggest 10 “what if?” historical twists, scandals, or intrigues that could plausibly have happened behind the scenes.

Final Thoughts

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